During the hours of Summer Rec we may be reached at
2024 Summer Recreation Program
Ages: 7 – 12 yrs old. (younger must be accompanied by adult)
REGISTRATION: You do not need to register your child as this is a “drop in” program.
Dates: 7/8/24 – 8/16/24 (Monday – Friday)
Location: Dansville High School (Mustang Entrance)
Times: 8:30AM – 12PM
FREE Breakfast and Lunch will be served in the cafeteria
This is strictly a “DROP IN” program this year. We are NOT taking attendance or providing child care services. Children may leave at anytime, once they leave they may NOT return until the next day. We will be providing structured activities for them to participate in. We will have arts & crafts daily in the “Hall of Fame area”. We will have themed activities in the High School gym including kickball, soccer, basketball, spud, and much more. We will try to limit (very little) personal contact. All games, equipment, and facilities will be sanitized daily. Fridays will be Free swim at the high school pool (there is NO charge for this).
Swim Lessons will be done by the Dansville YMCA
Please contact them to register your child.

* A first aid station
* Hand sanitizer station
* A water station w/ single use cups poured by 1 staff wearing gloves
* Group sizes will be limited
* Fun activities with adult staff