Rent the Center
Rental Terms & Conditions
Use only approved rooms during the approved use/rental date and timeSupervise all who attend the eventNo running, rough housing or ball throwing inside the buildingAny damage that occurs to the property or equipment/furniture will be promptly reported to DCC. Appropriate charges will be assessed and billed to the renter for repairs of those damages.Clean and arrange the room/rooms to the way they were before use.
This includes:
Washing tables
Putting tables/chairs back to room/storage room where they came from
Do not drag tables or chairs across carpet (this will ruin the carpets)
Washing all hard surfaces that were used (counters/ tables etc.)
Vacuum carpets, sweep and mop the floors where needed
Clean the bathrooms (sweep, mop, empty trash cans if needed)
Clean any dishes/utensils that were used, including the coffee pot
Take all garbage out to the dumpster
Return all video games, and table game equipment to DCC employee
Turn off all lights
Make sure all doors are locked as you leave
Cleaning supplies are provided by DCC. If the room/rooms are not cleaned as specified above after the event the renter will be billed an additional $50 cleaning fee. Check box above is equivalent to Renter’s Signature for agreement to rental terms, building use and clean up.